ISGC Plenary Speakers
Dr. Chris JacksonChris Jackson is Director of Sustainable Geoscience at the engineering consultancy Jacobs and Visiting Professor of Basin Analysis at Imperial College London. He was previously Professor of Sustainable Geoscience at the University of Manchester, and before that held the Equinor Chair of Basin Analysis at Imperial College, London. Chris works in the general area of sedimentary basin analysis. When not studying rocks, Chris gives geoscience lectures to the public and in schools, having appeared on several, Earth Science-focused, television productions and podcasts. Chris is engaged in efforts to improve equality, diversity, and inclusivity in Higher Education. | ![]() |
Dr. Lynn SoreghanLynn Soreghan obtained her BS in geology (UCLA), and PhD in geosciences (University of Arizona) and worked briefly at Amoco before joining the faculty in geosciences at the University of Oklahoma in 1996, where she served as Director of Geosciences for six years (2018-2022). She studies sediments and sedimentary rocks as a means to shed light on Earth’s past climate, and teaches classes related to these subjects. Her research focuses on topics related to atmospheric dust and (paleo)loess, rock weathering, and glaciation. She is currently involved as Principal Investigator of the Deep Dust Drilling Project, which aims to recover a complete record of continental paleoenvironments and paleoclimates from the equatorial Permian record of the Pangean supercontinent— a remarkably dusty place and time. She previously served SEPM in various positions, e.g. Counselor for Sedimentology (2007-8), and President (2019). | ![]() |
Dr. Julie FosdickJulie Fosdick is an Associate Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Connecticut with expertise in thermochronology, tectonics, and sedimentation. Her research focuses on reconstructing ancient phases of mountain-building and erosion to understand how tectonics, magmatism, and surface processes interact to shape the Earth’s continental lithosphere. Julie is the recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to explore the detrital thermochronologic signals of sediment recycling in orogenic systems, with focus on the Argentine Sierras Pampeanas. Julie holds a B.S. with high honors from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University in Geological and Environmental Sciences. Julie was a National Science Foundation Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellow through the University of Arizona from 2012-2013. Julie served as a founding board member of the Geological Society of America Geochronology Division and as its Secretary/Treasurer from 2018-2021. Currently, Julie is a Northeast Delegate of the Association for Women Geoscientists.. | ![]() |
Dr. Cari JohnsonCari Johnson is a Professor of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah. She earned a B.A. in Geology at Carleton College in 1996, and Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University in 2002. She also held a Post-Doctoral Research Associate position with the U.S.G.S. Energy Assessment Group in Menlo Park, CA, prior to joining the University of Utah faculty in 2003. Dr. Johnson’s research is broadly based in sedimentary basin analysis, including contributions to understanding the tectonic evolution of Asia, global perspectives on basin and energy systems modeling, and subsurface reservoir characterization and prediction. Preliminary work supported by the Rocks2Models industry consortium (~2012-2022) led to an additional focus on understanding sedimentary environments in shallow marine strata, including barrier island deposits in Cretaceous rocks of southern Utah. More recent work has centered on anthropogenic sedimentary systems such as Lake Powell reservoir sediment and deltas, as well as energy transitions including carbon management and sedimentary geothermal resources. Dr. Johnson serves as Associate Editor for Basin Research, and formerly as Associate Dean for Research in the College of Mines and Earth Sciences at the University of Utah. She is a Geological Society of America Fellow, and the 2021 recipient of the Dickson Medal Award from SEPM. She also received the University of Utah Early Career Faculty Teaching and Distinguished Mentor awards (2010 and 2013, respectively). She has advised ~30 graduate and undergraduate student researchers and postdoctoral research associates during her career. Dr. Johnson also enjoys flying small airplanes as a private pilot, playing tennis, cycling, and skiing, and is the proud mother to two teenage girls and one Portuguese water dog. | ![]() |