This year, SEPM is excited to host its Annual Meeting at ACE 2020 - AAPG’s first virtual and on-demand conference September 29 - October 1.
The ACE 2020 Online technical program is on track to be the most comprehensive in AAPG's history. The program will feature new topics and new content offering a more integrated and dynamic geoscience exchange.
ACE Registration
While SEPM is hosting several important meetings (listed below), we have also been given the opportunity to invite SEPM members to several registered events. You may find your digital guest pass below. The guest pass allows you:
- Access to the guest portion of the ACE 2020 Online platform 29 September–1 October
- The opportunity to view Poster Presentations
- U-Pitch Technology Showcase Presentations
- IP Theater viewings
- And full access to engage with Exhibitors and Sponsors throughout the event
Registration details are listed on the digital guest pass, found below.
SEPM Annual Meeting
If you are unable to attend parts of AAPG or ACE, you may still access SEPM’s Annual Meeting programming. This includes:
- SEPM Research Group Meetings and Receptions
- Carbonates Research Group - Tuesday, September 29 | 5-8 p.m. CDT [REGISTER HERE]
- Clastics Research Group - Wednesday, September 30 | 5-8 p.m. CDT [REGISTER HERE]
- Deepwater Research Group – Thursday, November 5, 2020 | Time TBA
- Micropaleo/NAMS Research Group - TBA
- The SEPM Research Symposium - Addressing the Three-Dimensionality of the Stratigraphic Record: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy - Wednesday, September 30 | 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. CDT
- 8:05 a.m. - John Holbrook - The Diachronous Sequence
- 8:45 a.m.- Christopher Fielding - Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Paleozoic Cyclothems; A Signal of Sediment Undersupply, Large-Magnitude Sea-Level Changes and Low Accommodation
- 1:20 p.m. - Charles Kerans - Temporal and Lateral Variability in Permian Shelf to Basin Systems of the Permian Basin
- 2:00 p.m. - Tetsuji Muto - Recent Progress in Autostratigraphy: Autogenic Grade in the Context of Shelf Growth
- SEPM President Mike Blum’s Reception and Awards Ceremony - Wednesday, October 7 | 2 p.m. CDT
- ACE Lunchtime Talk/SEPM Business Luncheon - Kyle Straub - Wednesday, September 30 | 12:15 - 1 p.m. CDT
- Tackling the Challenge of an Imperfect Stratigraphic Record
- Dr. Kyle Straub, Tulane University
Download your free Digital Guest Pass and Register Here
Download SEPM_ACE_2020_Online_Guest Pass.pdf
Download the 2020 SEPM Annual Meeting Program
Questions? Please contact for more details or for information about contributing to the SEPM Blog.