International Sedimentological Congress 2022
Begins : Monday, August 22, 2022 at 2:00 AM Central Standard Time
Ends : Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:00 AM Central Standard Time
Duration : 5 days
International Sedimentological Congress
Beijing, China
Monday - Friday | 22-26 August, 2022
Hybrid Event
Hosted by the International Sedimentological Congress.
Share your expertise and experiences in broad fields of sedimentology by submitting a session proposal for the 21st International Sedimentological Congress (21st ISC). The International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) is sponsoring the quadrennial congress in Beijing, China, on August 22-26, 2022. The China University of Geosciences (Beijing), in collaboration with the Chinese Association of Sedimentologists (CAS), will generously host this international event. Due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to people throughout the world, the organizing committee is planning the 21st ISC as an online meeting.
With the slogan of “A New Journey of Sedimentology: from the Pacific to the Himalaya”, the Scientific Committee, working with the Organizing Committee, has proposed 12 Scientific Themes covering various fields of sedimentological theories, and their scientific and social implications. A short outline is also attached for each theme to describe the content, scope, objective, and outcome of the theme.
We seek session proposals addressing all topics of these 12 Themes. A session proposal should include a descriptive title, a primary convenor (name, institution, email address), up to four co-conveners, and brief session outline (maximum 300 words). The session outline includes a clear statement on the session scope, content, goals, and specific requirements and outcomes. Session proposals are preferably submitted online, but we also provide a Session Proposal Format for offline submission.
After submitting the session proposal, the primary proposer will be immediately acknowledged for a receipt of the session proposal. The final acceptance of the session proposals will be notified on November 22, 2021.
Abstract Submission May 1