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EPR Price River B

EPR Price River B is drilled in the Panther Tongue Sandstone, near Helper, Utah. It samples a proximal to medial delta parasequence.

Drilled in 1982



Price River B.kmz

Scans of paper logs

Core section

Click the link below below to download a jpg of the image. This is the highest resolution available.

Entire core


Section 34 to 35.7 ft is from Van Wagoner, J.C., Mitchum, R.M., Campion, K.M., and Rahmanian, V.D., 1990. Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores, and outcrops. AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No. 7.

AAPG©1990. Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use.

Links to the original negative scans

price river B 00-010_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 012-022_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 024-035_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 036-45_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 048-060_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 063-074_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 076-088_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 091-103_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 106-118_ColorCorrected.tif

price river B 119-130_ColorCorrected.tif

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