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Daniel Rincón Martínez

Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, ICP-ECOPETROL S.A
Km. 7 vía Piedecuesta
Santander, Colombia
Phone: +57(7) 6847241 / 6847052


Research Interest

My primary field of research is micropaleontology, particularly benthonic and planktonic foraminifera, and its application to paleoceanography, sequence stratigraphy and paleoecology.

My research projects encompass rocks formed in a variety of depositional environments (marginal-, shallow- and deep-marine) and ages (Mesozoic to Neogene). Field or subsurface work has been undertaken in both ocean and land settings, mainly in northern South America, including Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, and Perú.

Current Position

My current role involves leading regional projects focused on characterization and delimitation of exploratory plays using surface geological information, and conducting research on basin analysis for petroleum exploration in the south Caribbean.

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