SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
2024 Awardees for Science Excellence
This year the Awards Reception were held on Monday, 6 May, at the ISGC meeting in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Personal interviews with the awardees is in progress and will be posted to SEPM YouTube Channel when complete.
William H. Twenhofel Medal for a career of excellence in sedimentary geology
Dr. John Grotzinger
California Institute of Technology, California, USA,
Raymond C. Moore Medal for excellence in paleontology
Dr. Shuhai Xiao
Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA
Francis P. Shepard Medal for excellence in marine geology
Dr. Duncan FitzGerald
Boston University, Massachusetts, USA
Francis J. Pettijohn Medal for excellence in sedimentology and stratigraphy
Dr. Kitty Milliken
Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
William R. Dickinson Award for excellence in sedimentary geology by a mid-career geoscientist
Dr. Michael Smith
Northern Arizona University, Arizona, USA
James Lee Wilson Award for excellence in sedimentary geology in an early career geoscientist
Dr. Miquela Ingalls
Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA
SEPM Honorary Membership for contributions to SEPM and the science
Dr. M. Gabriela Mángano
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sadly Gabriela Could not attend the ISGC