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Publications Permissions

Permission to use SEPM Materials and Publications

Update -October 2024:   SEPM has agreements with AAPG and The Geological Society of London for reciprocal permissions on republishing copyrighted content among these three societies.  These agreements help to make such permission requests more efficient for us, them, and for authors.  The details are included here.

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Use of PDFs:

IMPORTANT: Authors may not post the final PDF or any proof version of the paper to any institutional website, or article sharing free access websites, such as or ResearchGate or, etc. Authors are encouraged to share e-print PDFs with those individuals that have requested copies, similar to printed reprint distribution. SEPM is continuously reviewing the online digital publishing landscape to better serve authors and users. SEPM is closely monitoring efforts to resolve these issues such as discussed at

See SEPM Open Access Policy for Gold and Green OA options.

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Re-publishing material from SEPM copyright

Using material from SEPM publications

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Material that can be used without permission

Authors may reuse their own material without permission subject to the exceptions listed below. They may include the whole article in a PhD or other thesis provided that it will not be published, and that the original source is fully acknowledged in a standard format. Authors may not republish their whole article, or a substantial part of it, without permission. Such permission will be granted depending on circumstances.

For non-commercial society journal article purposes, anyone may use up to three items (text extracts of 100 words or less, figures or tables) from SEPM published material without permission or charge provided that a proper acknowledgement of source is used with the item. If you require written permission, please contact the permissions editors listed in the section below.

The abstracts of articles can be reproduced without permission or fees provided that a full reference and a link to the article abstract page are included.

Please check that SEPM is the original copyright holder and that the material has not been taken from another source. In those cases, you must contact the original copyright holder.

If your article forms part of a multi-author book, the publisher must ensure that the total number of items from SEPM copyright does not exceed three (this does not apply to journal issues).

**Note: Use of content from Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology No. 9, however, is prohibited from any use of separate content. Only the whole book may be purchased and used.

Reusing material in another SEPM publication

You may use material from SEPM copyright in another SEPM publication without permission from SEPM subject to the exceptions listed below.

Uses where permission is required

For more than three items, please contact the CCC or the appropriate Permissions Editor for that publication series to obtain permission.


SEPM has a strong policy against duplicate publication and does not allow republication of whole articles, or substantial parts of them, unless there are very exceptional circumstances.

You may not use more than 25% of any SEPM published article in a single publication and no publication should contain more than 25% in total from SEPM Copyright. This does not prevent the inclusion of whole articles in course packs and the like (which do not constitute republication).

You may not post a typeset PDF of a SEPM article on any website, repository or server (see author exceptions).

Photocopying and digital copying

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You may include material from Society copyright in a visual presentation if you have access rights to the material and provided that you will not circulate digital or hard copies of your presentation for commerical purposes. You do not need to request permission to do this. If you wish to circulate copies of your presentation to students or others, please obtain ‘course-pack’ permission from the Copyright Clearance Center: or from your local reproduction rights agency.

Permission to use SEPM material

  • Permission, unless otherwise excepted here, to reprint material from the Society’s publications should be made to the Copyright Clearance Center ( and if permission from them is refered to the copyright holder (SEPM) then contact the appropriate Permissions Editors for the various publications.
  • Permission to use material from the Society’s website should be made to Howard Harper.
  • Permission to use material from The Sedimentary Record should be made to Howard Harper.
  • Permission to use material from The Journal of Sedimentary Research (or Journal of Sedimentary Petrology) should be made to Melissa Lester.
  • Permission to use material from PALAIOS and Journal of Paleontology (1927-1985) should be made to Kathleen Huber.
  • Permission to use material from SEPM book publications should be made to Michele Tomlinson.

Authors Use

Corresponding and contributing authors have transferred copyright (and all rights under it), or have granted full publishing rights in their work, to SEPM. In assigning copyright authors are not forfeiting their rights to use their contribution elsewhere, provided it does not directly detract from or undermine the Society's legitimate benefits under the rights granted to it. Please note that authors continue to enjoy the following rights:

  1. Patent and trademark rights.
  2. The right to be identified as the Author.
  3. The right to share with colleagues ‘preprints’ (i.e. “Authors Original”, prior to peer review), provided that this is not done for commercial purposes, and to post preprints to publicly accessible websites.  Authors may also post on a preprint server.
  4. In the case of journal articles, and prior to publication by the Society, the right to post a ‘postprint’ (i.e. “Accepted Version”, in the final form accepted by SEPM for publication) to authors’ personal web pages or to an institutional web site or repository maintained by the institution to which they are affiliated. Any such posted work must be accompanied by a notice: “Accepted for publication in [name of publication] as of [date]”.
  5. The right to use the separate content or data or figures in authors’ research, and in courses that they are teaching or by others within an institution or company where the author is employed but not allow free public access to content.
  6. The right to incorporate the content of the contribution in other works of which they are the author, including personal compilations and books of which they are the author.
  7. Authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository, under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license or another license of their choosing. 
  8. This author rights make SEPM publication permissions policy fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. All authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository, under the licence of their choosing. Funded authors should use the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, as specified in their grant agreement, though all authors are free to use this license if they so wish.

In the case of 3 to 8 above, these rights are intended to help authors in their academic and professional work, and are subject to three conditions:

  • a. These rights may not be used for commercial purposes;
  • b. These rights should not be used in a way that involves duplicate publication that will compete with the Society’s own publications; and
  • c. Each use must contain an acknowledgement to the journal/book as the original source of publication in the form:
    • “[Journal/Book] [Volume/Publication Year] [URL of the item as published by SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology] © SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology [Year].”
    • On publication within the SEPM online publications corresponding authors will receive an email and URL enabling access to free PDF e-print downloads. Accessed PDFs may be saved to the author’s hard drive or other personal electronic media and emailed or copied to colleagues or third parties (again, for legitimate purposes only). Details will be provided on publication.
    • Other than the use outlined above no Society publication may be captured or downloaded electronically into any format without the Society's specific written permission.
    • Permission must be sought for uses other than those defined above – please contact the appropriate Permissions Editor

IMPORTANT: Authors may not post the final PDF or any proof version of the paper to any institutional website, or article sharing free access websites, such as or ResearchGate. etc. Authors are encouraged to share e-print PDFs with those individuals that have requested copies, similar to printed reprint distribution or to post their AAM version of the publication.

SEPM is continuously reviewing the online digital publishing landscape to better serve authors and users. SEPM is closely monitoring efforts to resolve these issues, especially those involved with 'funder requirements'.

Last updated March 21, 2022..

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